Dearest Reader Friends~
I love the simple things that help to keep the Christmas season joyful and peaceful; the wonder of falling snow, smiles on the faces of kids, curling up by the fire with a good book, and one of my pets. I have always been into small cute and cozy things. Along those lines I just wrote my first novelette, which is one size shoter than a novella, which is one size shorter than a novel.
I'm kind of excited to get my first copy of the paperback version of Sweetwater Cafe because it's going to be a tiny book. It's about the size of a small gift book. There's something just kind of cute and cozy about that, which is perfect for this story because it takes place in a cute cozy town called Sweetwater. If you're too busy to read a regular sized novel this season maybe take a chance on a small novelette when you get about an hour to yourself and want to feel like you've accomplished something. That's about how long it will take to read a book this size.
SWEETWATER CAFE is out on Amazon Kindle for only .99, and should be out in paperback by Christmas.
ALSO. My sweet, clean, pirate story, Jackson's Treasure is available in both print and Kindle now. Yes, there is such thing as a nice pirate. :)
I hope you find a little pocket of time to read a happy little story.