There is nothing better when I'm in need of a little relaxation than listening to a warm and fuzzy story on audio. When the world feels a little too big and a tad bit sad, I love how a good, sweet story can fill me with peace and hope.
I want to announce the most AMAZING NARRATOR EVER!!! Katie Trubetsky brought this 1950's dimestore comedy to life with her hysterical Southern character voices! I seriously almost died laughing over Aunt Birdie and Uncle Tootie. Just released on audible in time for the holidays. Send me a message in My Little Post office to request a free audiobook code.
Now available at Audible and Amazon! !
I Love Love Love the way my narrator Jennifer presented this story. She nailed AJ's personality and the sibling rivary between herself and her prom queen sister is a hoot! This is just as much fun for adults and YA as it is for children, thanks to Jennifer's entertaining Irish accents and humor. Write me for free codes!
This presentation will make you feel like you are watching an actual stage production of Anne of Green Gables gone a-muck! My narrator Casey did such an awesome job! The assistant play director with het peacock feathered hat is hysterical! And the Liza & Dillon bantering and rivalry is a blast. Great for listening to on a car trip as family.💗 Or in my case, taking my dog for a very enjoyable looong walk!